
About Me

Howdy! I am Jessica, a substitute teacher and mother in Keller, Texas. Once upon a time I was a graphic/web designer until the birth of my second baby. I married my high school sweetheart who is now a firefighter/paramedic and has a J name also. So when we had our son 10 years ago we named him with a J too. He looks exactly like me but his personality is exactly like his dad's (I am taking no credit for this!) he is silly, extroverted and talks non stop (ok, he did get something from me). We continued with the J name trend when we had my daughter 6 years ago, (oh the joy a girl brings with the dresses, hair bows and fun girly things you get to make!) She is something else, she is a social butterfly- considering everybody a potential friend, she is a fast learner at almost everything she tries but she keeps us on our toes with her adventurous, leap then look attitude. And then came my littlest J. she is 5 years old and is my baby. She is a moma's girl who isn't as extroverted as her siblings, she loves her routine and is happy playing quietly with her sister and staying home with me. That is my family, and for better or worse I try to hold them all together while nurturing them to stand apart.

I have always had an inner need to create, to make something. For as long as I can remember I have considered myself an artist; drawing, painting, and crafting things were among my favorite things to do. I remember in elementary school I would sew barbie clothes by hand and I was 15 when I sewed my first dress for a dance. But as an art major at the University of North Texas I expanded my interests by taking photography classes, computer illustrating, lithography, origami, jewelry making, oil painting, water color, marker rendering, I could go on and on, and those were just my electives! I started crocheting one winter break and soon after knitting. I love making stuff for my house and myself but with the birth of my children my hobbies took on a life of their own. I had nurseries to decorate, bedding to make, murals to paint, clothes to sew, booties to knit, hats to crochet- and the rest is history. As they grow I find I get to expand my ideas instead of personalized burp clothes and diaper covers, I am hosting birthday parties, making soccer bags, refashioning clothes and personalizing tee shirts. Now that they aren't babies and I find myself with a little more free time so I am starting this blog to show off some of my creations!
Hope you enjoy! Any comments or suggestions you can email me at jeferguson@hotmail.com