
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Little Waldorf Doll "Jaden" in her Soccer Uniform

Here is the second Waldorf Doll that I made... If you want to see the first one click here.
This one belongs to my middle daughter Jaden. Jaden named her doll "Little Jaden," they do kind-of look alike!

After accomplishing the massive task of creating these dolls I found myself with 2 naked dolls.... I needed clothes! So I made the dolls some simple white t-shirt and blue jeans, their "everyday wear" (you can see it here.) But special dolls need special outfits so I thought it would be cute if "Little Jaden" had a soccer uniform like big Jaden.

After making the shirt and shorts I realized that it needed more... shoes! So I crocheted some socks and shoes for her. And painted the soccer ball on to the shirt with fabric paint.

 I made a couple more dolls and are selling them on Esty. I plan on making some clothes for the dolls and selling them separately so keep checking!

Now both Jaden's are ready to play ball!!

Aren't they cute!!

She loves Little Jaden! Up next is to make both Sally and Little Jaden some night gowns- I was informed tonight that Little Jaden shouldn't be sleeping in her blue jeans, so stay tuned! 

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