
Saturday, October 29, 2011

15 inch Waldorf Doll- Suzy

After first laying eyes on a Waldorf doll I was hooked! My girls had to have one! 
So I decided to figure out how to make one...
If you aren't familiar with what a Waldorf Doll is here is the definition. I read all the online tutorials, checked out books from the library and used the techniques that I thought made the cutest dolls.

My girls LOVE them! Here is Suzy:

Homemade Waldorf Baby Doll by Little J Bird

Homemade Waldorf Baby Doll by Little J Bird
Homemade Waldorf Baby Doll by Little J Bird
She is my youngest daughter's doll. I made her to match her hair and eye color, but I really don't think that my girls care, they just like the dolls.

Homemade Waldorf Baby Doll with Little Girl by Little J Bird

The dolls are dragged along with us to soccer games, library story time, grocery shopping etc. and they are holding up pretty well.

Homemade Waldorf Baby Doll by Little J Bird
Homemade Waldorf Baby Doll by Little J Bird

Julia is 2 years old and not the most gentile with her things. But the dolls were meant to be played with and they are well loved. 
Homemade Waldorf Baby Doll by Little J Bird

Homemade Waldorf Baby Doll by Little J Bird

The time spent making the dolls was well worth it because they like them so much. Not really sure where the name Suzy came from but she is pretty adamit that that is her name, so Suzy it is.

Homemade Waldorf Baby Doll by Little J Bird

I am so pleased with the way the dolls came out that I decided to sell a couple on Esty. You can check out my store here: Little J Bird

Homemade Waldorf Baby Doll by Little J Bird

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