I made the bodice by basket weaving strips of gray and white fabric (folded like bias tape and sewed on both sides).
I sewed the top and bottom of the strips together but left the middles unattached, I like the way they move when my daughter moves.
I followed the white horizontal strips to the back where I used buttons to close the dress and allow the dress to be less boxy and more a natural shape.

For the skirt I used a gray and white striped light cotton fabric.

Here is my sew along entries from last season...
I had so much fun creating all of them I can't wait for this season, even if it is only in the sew along again.
I am off to Galveston to take the kids to the beach, I hope you all have a good week!
Oooo! Love that woven look! Best of luck! I'm so excited that PR&P is coming up!!
ReplyDeleteThis is really adorable. i just wanted to comment that i love your photography-- especially the sidewalk chalk and balloons!
ReplyDeleteIf you're not chosen to "play " there's something wrong with their system! Love the dress
ReplyDeleteLOVE THIS! I love how you've pushed into something new and different, but still very wearable. That's the kind of PR&P contestant I love to see! And seriously, you should be a shoo-in after that comic book skirt. Good luck! :)
ReplyDeleteYou should absolutely be chosen... Sssh don't tell anyone but I enjoyed your designs more than the actual contestants last time :-) AMAZING
ReplyDeleteI have discovered your blog through Project Run and Play and have been impressed by your creativity. I hope you are chosen. Good luck.
ReplyDeletevery cool.
ReplyDeleteWINNER!!!! The back of that dress how it comes together is so beautiful! Seriously!!! I love this!!!
ReplyDeleteThrilled to see your 'audition'....best of luck!
ReplyDeleteI discovered your blog through PR&P and I must tell you how impressed I am with ALL your projects! Yes, I went though your entire blog! Such talent! You are not just a needle artist but an artist who draws and paints, too. Your large applique work is stunning and is definitely a strong point for you. So is the fabric painting. However, your sewing skills have some polish and you are not afraid to use purchased patterns to mix up and make your own. This is also something that some of the other contestants don't have. (I find that the designs on many of the PR&P entries are artistic and interesting but often look "homemade" rather than "handmade".) I will be disappointed if they judges don't pick you. I look forward to reading about more of your projects!
ReplyDeleteI've got my fingers crossed for you!
ReplyDeleteThanks everyone for your compliments!! I am not going to lie and say that not being chosen for even the top 5 stung a little bit, but there will always be another season. So thanks again for all your lovely thoughts!
The weaved top is crazy awesome! I've been wandering around your blog for about an hour and I'm in love. Excited to follow along and see what else you come up with.