It's birthday time at our house, both my son and youngest daughter have their birthdays in March. For their birthdays I like to take their photos each year and display it in a name frame in our house. Because I have to look at these photos for a year I like to make sure that the kids look nice in something special- I had made my middle child her dress this year for her birthday using Simplicity pattern 2320, (you can check it out here) so I thought I would make my littlest a dress this year also.
I used Simplicity pattern 3588, dress variation D.
Using the measurements on the back I went against my gut and followed the pattern and made a size 4 instead of 3 (which my daughter normally wears,) it was a mistake because I think that the 3 would of ended up fitting her better with less tailoring in the end and because it was a size bigger I feel like the waist is a little lower than it should be.
Here is how the dress ended up. I liked it allot until I put it on her and I felt it looked too plain...
So I decided to add a ruffle...
I cut a piece of the black fabric, 6 inches wide by double the length from the bottom of the belt to the back of the neck, where the zipper is. I took the fabric and sewed under the two raw edges, both the same direction, and folded the piece in half, lengthwise.
I was going to gather it but I liked the look of the pleats so I pinned it all down and stitched across it.
Next do the other side, making sure they touch in the center.
And there you have it....
I think it fancied it up allot!
But it made my little 3 year old look so grown up!
Oh the time is just whizzing by me... they grow up too fast!